Tutorial Modding Lesabel Unity


Original poster
Jun 13, 2017
Modding Lesabel RPG
Programes I Used:
DnSpy Link https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/releases/download/v4.0.0-beta2/dnSpy.zip
ApkEasyTool APK Easy Tool v1.34 for Windows (GUI tool, user friendly) ~ iAndroHacker

Basically in this tutorial it will just be straight up modding no typing no talking just getting down to business i didnt want to bore you all to death chatting on ... so in this video i am not telling you what to do all i am doing here is showing you how to do it..

Please Note

It doesn't work like this with all games some are easier some are harder some games the values you would mod for example here where i did 9999999 that value would not work if you have tried that before you will understand what i mean when you game sticks on loading screen trust i have done that before.. aaha
Did you notice in the video where i was hovering around and clicking on Members
CriticalAMG...CriticalAFT GetAMG... If i had modded these also i would have had damage aswell as god mode and mana Not as easy to find as Get_Damage is it?? aha becareful when modding take your time dont rush like i did here <<
BECAUSE IM A PRO<< Lol im just kidding im really not anyway thanks for taking your time to see this hope you enjoyed
