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  1. Help! How to generate the module for this zygisk imgui modmenu based on LGL?

    Olá, encontrei este módulo no Github, ele é baseado no LGL modmenu, é um módulo zygisk, ele constrói apk mas quando clico em make project ele funciona mas não cria o módulo zygisk, alguém sabe o que fazer? link: MediaFire
  2. Help! zygisk module not loaded due to incompatibility emulator

    Hello, does anyone know how to solve this incompatibility problem in the emulator for the zygisk module? ex I delete all the libs and leave only, android is x64 and I still have this error.
  3. Help! how to modify in safefloat ?

    how to modify in safefloat ? i have a game that uses safe float instead of obscuredfloat, how can i modify in safe float? here is safefloat code using System; using Il2CppDummyDll; namespace JarviGames.Utils { // Token: 0x02000005 RID: 5 [Token(Token = "0x2000005")] public struct...
  4. Help! How to change Slidervalue to be Negative?

    I have a game that jumpheight only works by changing it to negative , how can I change it so that the slidervalue works with negative numbers ?
  5. Solved access a pointer from a different class than my function

    I'm trying to access a class through another class to use the pointers that are in the gundata class, I made this script but it doesn't work, does anyone know why? obs: I need to use an update from another class to call the gundata class pointers void (orig_Update)(voidinstance); void...
  6. Solved Function Int return 5B , c++

    how to change an Int function so that it returns a value of -5000000000, minus 5 billion exceeds the maximum value of int int (*orig_get_CurrentBet) (void* instance); int get_CurrentBet(void* instance) { //LOGI(OBFUSCATE("FinishFishing status: %d"), status); if (hack0) {...
  7. Help! How To use byte in field offset ?

    // Token: 0x040088BB RID: 35003 [Token(Token = "0x40088BB")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x18")] public byte OwnerPlayerId; byte OwnerPlayerId = *(byte*)((uint64_t)instance + 0x18); //public int teamID;
  8. Help! how to mod small field ? 0x8, 0xc

    [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x8")] (float*)((uint32_t)instance + 0xc) = 12.0f; //protected int health;
  9. Solved How to mod Enum ?

    any tutorial or script template?
  10. Help! how to use a BackingField pointer?

    I have a pointer that I add to my cheat but it crashes the game and doesn't work, how to use this type of function? how to add bankfield in mod menu? [Token(Token = "0x40052CA")] [FieldOffset(Offset = "0x20")] [Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x5EE0E4", Offset =...
  11. Tutorial How to wire your hack using a function with the same name in the same or different class - LGL ModMenu (Update)

    I'm new to the mod menu and gamehaking area, so please be patient with my non-technical explanation. I wanted to use the update function in two buttons in the mod menu, so you know that when compiling it gives an error because of the two Update functions with the same name, so I bring the...
  12. Help! is it possible to use two UPDATE in the modmenu?

    I have a movespeed function and an update in my player's class, and I have a speed function in the enemy's class, if I put the enemy's pointer in my player's update it doesn't work, I have to use the update that is in the class of the enemy. how can i use 2 or more update in mod menu or access...
  13. Help! LGL MOD MENU - how to insert slidervalue using a pointer? 0xC0

    hope someone helps, i'm new to game hacking i have a game that i can cut speed using buttons but how would i do that to change speed using slider void (*orig_Update) (void* instance); void Update(void* instance) { if (instance != NULL && sliderValue > 1) {...